COVID-19 Modified Operations Plan & Matrix

This page provides a general overview about BOP COVID-19 Operational Levels: how they are determined, how operations are affected, and related resources.

About Operational Levels

Institutions determine their operational level (Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3) based on two indicators of COVID-19 Risk: the facilities' COVID-19 inmate isolation rate and the COVID-19 community risk of the county where the facility is located."1.

At each level, an infection prevention procedure or modification to operations (such as inmate programming and services) may be made to mitigate the risk and spread of COVID-19 in accordance with BOP pandemic guidance. BOP pandemic guidance follows and integrates guidance and direction from CDC, OSHA, DOJ, and established medical best practices

Level Rating Procedure

  1. Institutions determine their operational level and modifications based on two indicators of COVID-19 Risk: the facilities' COVID-19 inmate isolation rate and the COVID-19 community risk of the county where the facility is located.
  2. The Health Services Administrator (or designee) will review the COVID-19 Protocol Matrix Data dashboard daily and communicate the facility's operational level to the institution Executive Staff, local Union President, and Operations Lieutenant (or designee).

Level Indicators

BOP COVID-19 Operational Levels are raised or lowered after 48 hours of respective sustained increases or decreases in the following indicators:

Level 1
Level 1

IF Medical isolation rate < 2% AND New community positive cases < 100 per 100,000 over the last 7 days

Level 2
Level 2

IF Medical isolation rate 2% to < 7% OR New community positive cases ≥ 100 and < 200 per 100,000 over the last 7 days

Level 3
Level 3

IF Medical isolation rate ≥ 7% OR New community positive cases ≥ 200 per 100,000 over the last 7 days

Level-Specific Modifications

The following modifications are made depending upon the operational level of the institution.

Infection Prevention Procedures Modifications (Level-Specific)

Please note: Medical isolation, contact tracing, and PPE appropriate for each setting are still in effect for all scenarios.

Level 1 Operations Learn About Level 1 Operations Level 1 Level 2 Operations Learn About Level 2 Operations Level 2 Level 3 Operations Learn About Level 3 Operations Level 3
Cohorting Modifications not necessary Modifications not necessary if social distancing is followed Modifications necessary
Face Covering
  • Indoors: Recommended at MRCs Optional at Care Levels 1 thru 3, FTC, holdover, bus hub, and detention centers (except in patient care areas, when all inmates must wear face coverings)
  • Outdoors: Not required
  • Required at all times in all indoor environments
  • Face covering required when social distancing is not possible outdoors
Follow the full COVID-19 Pandemic Plan including facility-wide use of face coverings, surgical or N95 masks as indicated.
Social Distancing
  • All health care units and patient care areas
  • Not necessary in other locations
All areas All areas
Staff/Visitor/Volunteer Symptom Screening Self monitoring/report symptoms of COVID-19 Self monitoring/report symptoms of COVID-19 Implement daily COVID-19 symptom screen for entry into the institution (enhanced screening)

Inmate Programming and Services Modifications (Level-Specific)

Please note: Each activity will follow the general infection prevention recommendations above unless specified otherwise below.

Level 1 Operations Learn About Level 1 Operations Level 1 Level 2 Operations Learn About Level 2 Operations Level 2 Level 3 Operations Learn About Level 3 Operations Level 3
Barber / Beauty Shop Normal operations Limit capacity to allow for social distancing Follow the COVID-19 Pandemic Plan
Commissary / Inmate Phones/ TRULINCS Normal operations
  • Limit capacity to allow for social distancing
  • Cohorting if not able to social distance.
Follow the COVID-19 Pandemic Plan
Laundry Normal operations Limit capacity to allow for social distancing Follow the COVID-19 Pandemic Plan
Law Library Normal capacity participation Limit capacity to allow for social distancing Follow the COVID-19 Pandemic Plan
Programs & Services (Education, Psychology, Religious Svs) Normal capacity participation
  • Standard housing capacity (in Residential units)
  • Limit capacity to allow for social distancing during group activities
Follow the COVID-19 Pandemic Plan
Recreation Normal capacity participation
  • Limit capacity levels to allow for social distancing indoors
  • Normal outdoor capacity participation
  • Face covering outdoors when social distancing is not possible
Follow the COVID-19 Pandemic Plan
Transport (All: Bus, Air, Van) Double masking with a non-wire surgical mask covered by a face covering OR wire-free KN95 is required at all times. Double masking with a non-wire surgical mask covered by a face covering OR wire-free KN95 is required at all times. Double masking with a non-wire surgical mask covered by a face covering OR wire-free KN95 is required at all times.
  • Face covering is required for visitors as well as staff and inmates
  • Normal operations
  • Face covering is required for visitors as well as staff and inmates
  • Non-contact only
Follow the COVID-19 Pandemic Plan
Work Detail / Unicor Normal operations
  • Cohorting if not social distancing
  • Face covering outdoors when social distancing is not possible
Follow the COVID-19 Pandemic Plan

General Modifications

Many other general modifications, some of which are highlighted below, are in effect due to COVID-19, regardless of the facilities current operation level.

Infection Prevention Procedures and Operational Modifications (General)

  • High sanitation standards expected at all levels of operation. At a minimum, all areas, supplies, and equipment must be cleaned on a daily basis.
  • Inmates are tested for SARS-CoV-2 when they are symptomatic, asymptomatic but exposed, during movements when indicated, and when surveillance is needed.
  • Inmates with known or suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection should be provided a face covering, POC tested, and placed in medical isolation for 10 days.
  • When transferring from one BOP location to another BOP location or correctional jurisdiction, a five or seven day intake observation period maybe indicated.
  • All workers (staff/contractors/inmate orderlies) must wear a surgical mask in all patient care areas, whether or not there are patients in the clinic/area.
  • When required, face coverings will be worn at all time while indoors, regardless of vaccination status (Guidance from DOJ memo).
Community Transmission Rate 1

Community Risk: Congregate (prison) settings have higher COVID-19 infection transmission risk than the community at large. As such, the BOP Matrix uses a Hybrid Community Risk benchmark that is more aggressive than the Community Level used by the community at large, but less aggressive than the Community Transmission Rate used in hospitals and nursing facilities.

BOP continues to collaborate with CDC to further evaluate and evolve BOP Operational Levels in a manner to provide the least amount of disruption to visiting and institution programming while maintaining the highest level of protection to staff and inmate patients against COVID-19.