Research & Reports

We conduct research on numerous correctional topics and welcome research proposals from the public.

photo of shelves of reports

Published Reports

Want to conduct your own research?

We accept well-designed research proposals unless they involve medical or pharmaceutical experimentation.
Simply follow the steps below for submitting a proposal.


Steps to Submit a Research Proposal

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Step 1: Read Documents

Understand the rules and regulations that are in place, and familiarize yourself with other considerations by reading the following documents:

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Optional: Preliminary Proposal

Applicants are encouraged to submit a preliminary research proposal for review by the Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE). An ORE review can assist in determining whether a research proposal is well-formed or designed. ORE's review and response to the preliminary proposal does not constitute a final decision and applicants are free to submit a formal proposal after such review. An ORE preliminary research proposal review is an optional, not a required, step in the submission of a research proposal.

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Step 2: Prepare Paperwork

Complete the research proposal (as described in the BOP Program Statement), a Researcher Statement form (one for each researcher listed in the proposal), and Informed Consent forms (if applicable).

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Step 3: Submit Paperwork

Submit the completed proposal and Researcher Statement(s) to the appropriate BOP office along with any consent forms. For more information, see the process described in the Program Statement or contact the IRB Coordinator.

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Affiliated with a university or research organization?

  • Before your research can be approved by the BOP, you may need to obtain approval from your Institutional Review Board.
  • Our approval process typically takes 12 weeks for an expedited review research proposal.
  • We do not award research grants.

Questions about this application process?

If you have questions about the process for submitting a research proposal, please call Dr. Jody Klein-Saffran at (202) 305-4110 or e-mail

Include your name, mailing address, and telephone number in any correspondence.