Restricted Housing

Statistics are updated weekly.

The BOP provides the data below to describe the population in Special Housing Units (SHU), which is one form of restricted housing. The data is updated on a weekly basis and reflects the current population at the time the data is collected.

Currently, out of the inmates in BOP custody, inmates (approximately %) are housed in SHU. Note: Inmates who have been in SHU longer than 90 days are reviewed at the applicable regional office level to determine why he or she is not appropriate for return to general population or immediate transfer to another institution.

Inmates may be placed in SHU for Administrative Detention or for Disciplinary Segregation (see the Program Statement for Special Housing Units for more information). The table below this one includes the categorical breakdown for the placement in SHU. As can seen from the table directly below, most inmates are placed in SHU for administrative detention.

Inmates are placed in Administrative Detention status when they are under investigation for misconduct and/or criminal behavior, they need to be separated from other offenders for security reasons, or they are awaiting transfer/or in-transit (holdover) status. Administrative Detention status may be for protective custody. Currently, inmates have been in protective custody for more than 30 days.

For expedient security reasons, an inmate may be placed immediately in AD but staff are required to generate the AD Order within 24 hours.

Other types of restricted housing

The BOP operates Special Management Units (SMU) for inmates who present particular security and management concerns. The BOP's Administrative Maximum (ADX) facility in Florence, Colorado, is a unique facility designed to house inmates who pose the greatest risks to staff, other inmates and the public. At both the SMUs and the ADX, the BOP provides programs to prepare inmates to reintegrate into a general population facility and ultimately the community.