Robert L. Hoffmann

Robert L. Hoffmann
Robert L. Hoffmann, a Senior Officer Specialist at USP Marion, died on October 22, 1983.

On October 22, 1983, Officer Robert L. Hoffmann was assigned to the Control Unit (H unit) when, at about 8:30 p.m., he observed two officers being assaulted by inmate Clayton Fountain. Fountain was being returned to his cell when he broke free from his escorts, obtained a knife from another inmate, and started to attack the two officers. Officer Hoffmann left a safe area to render assistance and was repeatedly stabbed by inmate Fountain. Two additional staff members were also injured before the inmate was restrained. Officer Hoffmann succumbed to his wounds; the other four staff victims survived serious injuries.

At the time of his attack on Officer Hoffmann, inmate Fountain was a U. S. Navy military prisoner serving two life sentences for murder. He was responsible for 5 deaths during the 10 years he had been incarcerated, 4 deaths (including Officer Hoffmann's) while in Bureau custody. Inmate Fountain received an additional life sentence for Officer Hoffmann's murder and died at USMCFP Springfield on July 12, 2004.

Robert L. Hoffmann is listed in the National Law Enforcement Memorial on Panel 58, W-17 . Robert, you will never be forgotten.