Scott James Williams

Scott James Williams
Scott James Williams, a 30 year-old Senior Officer Specialist, died at USP Lompoc on April 3, 1997 after a four-year tour of duty.

At approximately 6 p.m. on the evening of April 3, 1997, Senior Officer Specialist Scott J. Williams and other staff members were supervising the routine movement of inmates from the dining room back to their cells. Suddenly, inmate Roy C. Green produced a weapon and stabbed Officer Williams in the neck. Inmate Green then stabbed a second officer in the chest, injuring him seriously. Three other officers, who rushed to the aid of their colleagues, were also seriously injured as they subdued the inmate. Although mortally wounded, Williams' last act of life was protecting a fellow officer.

The injured staff members were transferred immediately to a local hospital for emergency treatment. Officer Williams was pronounced dead at the hospital at 6:55 p.m.

Following the murder, Inmate Green was transferred to another facility and remains in federal custody.

Inmate Green was indicted on April 2, 1998 on one count of Murder within the Jurisdiction of the United States, one count of Murder of a Correctional Officer, three counts of Assault with Intent to Murder, and one count of Assault with a Dangerous Weapon with Intent to do Bodily Harm. On December 2, 1998, the Attorney General authorized the United States to seek the death penalty.

Officer Williams was a Marine veteran, a former "Marine of the Year" who served in Desert Storm. He was survived by his wife and two daughters.

Scott James Williams is listed in the National Law Enforcement Memorial on Panel 42, E-20. Scott, you will never be forgotten.