Robert G. Warnke

Robert G. Warnke
Robert G. Warnke, a 47 year-old laundry foreman from Cleveland, Ohio, died at USP Leavenworth on June 20, 1929 after an eight-year tour of duty.

Early on the morning of June 20, 1929, shortly after reporting for duty in the institution laundry, R.G. Warnke was attacked by inmate Carl Panzran, who dealt a vicious blow to the top of Warnke’s skull with a heavy flat iron. The officer who responded first to the call of alarm held Panzram at bay, subduing him. The inmate was immediately placed in the isolation ward. He refused to make any statement about his killing of Foreman Warnke.

Foreman Warnke was a quiet unassuming man who attended to his own business, and he was well-liked and held in high regard by prison officials. He reportedly was also popular among inmates. There was no indication of problems between the inmate and foreman.

Panzran was convicted of Warnke's murder and sentenced to hang. He was executed at USP Leavenworth on September 5, 1930.

Robert G. Warnke started work at U.S.P. Leavenworth in 1921. He was an Army Veteran having served in Cuba with Theodore Roosevelt and his Roughriders. His wife Florence and son survived him.

Robert G. Warnke is listed in the National Law Enforcement Memorial on Panel 35, W -17. Robert, you will never be forgotten.